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Mixed Reality: Reimagined campus tour (CMU)

Identify the gaps in the current campus touring options at CMU and develop a mixed realities experience to fill them. 

Collaborators - Carissa Chou 

Duration: 1.5 weeks

Skills: Figma, Aero, Rhino, After Effects, Adobe Illustrator

Process - Click here

Issue Area

During our campus tour, we frequently encountered long stretches between stops with no official tour content. A few students were able to strike up meaningful one-on-one conversations with the tour guide, but the vast majority of them missed out on a prime opportunity to learn more about the school.

How the system works

To whom are we catering? Is it possible that there are specific idiosyncrasies associated with a person's personality or special requirements associated with a disability that need to be taken care of.

2D & 3D Assets

All the elements used in this project were made in both 2D and 3D. The signs and symbols were made using Adobe Illustrator and animated in AfterEffects. All the 3D elements like the buggy and Ferris Wheel were made using Rhino and then later animated in AfterEffects as well. The color scheme used was of CMU to keep a synergy between the project and the client.

Major interactions 
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